Privacy Policy

1. Objective of This Privacy Policy

This privacy policy aims to educate customers and visitors of about the protocols IAKOS Kft follows in handling personal data. This includes our methods for collecting, managing, safeguarding, and employing such data, as well as the rights individuals hold concerning their personal information. Contact details of the appointed data controller are also included.

2. Information of the Data Controller

Name: IAKOS Számítástechnikai Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Short Name: IAKOS Kft
Address: 1036 Budapest, Galagonya utca 5.
Company Registration Number: 01 09 957352
Tax Number: 23193301-2-43
Phone: +36-1-2502294
Mobile: +36-30-4566324

3. Personal Data We Process

We handle the following categories of personal data related to the use of our website and communication:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

4. Legal Grounds, Intent, and Mode of Data Handling


We undertake data handling activities based on your voluntary, well-informed consent, expressing approval for utilizing the personal data shared during communication. Consent is obtained in adherence to Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.


Our objective for data handling is to facilitate effective communication. IAKOS Kft exclusively employs your data for establishing contact.


IAKOS Kft is committed to ensuring that the provided personal data isn’t employed for any purposes other than the expressly stated. Third-party sharing of personal data is conditional upon prior explicit consent, unless mandated by law.


The responsibility for the accuracy of personal data shared lies with the individual providing it. By sharing your email address, you agree to bear all associated responsibilities.

5. Data Retention Period

We will hold the data specified above for the duration necessary to meet contractual obligations, compliance with statutory requirements, or until the withdrawal of the individual’s consent.

6. Access to Data and Data Sharing

The data is primarily accessible to IAKOS Kft and its authorized personnel and associates responsible for data management and processing.

7. Rights and Legal Remedies


At any moment, you can request information on, or modification of, your personal data managed by IAKOS Kft.


Upon request, we will offer insights into the data, its source, the purpose and duration of processing, and other relevant details, all provided in writing within 30 days from the receipt of the request.


For inquiries or concerns regarding data handling, reach us at


Individuals reserve the right to request the amendment or deletion of any inaccurately recorded data at any given time.

8. Additional Provisions


Should IAKOS Kft wish to utilize the data for purposes other than initially intended, we will inform the individual, seek explicit consent, or offer an option to prohibit such use.


We are committed to securing your data and will employ appropriate technical strategies to ensure its safety, preventing unauthorized access or alterations.


IAKOS Kft holds the authority to amend this privacy policy unilaterally, in adherence to applicable legal stipulations.